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Remember the One organization is working on expansion

Underneath cloudless skies over the Georgia Club, Remember the One took baby steps last week as the fledging organization embarked on its new ministry path.

Twenty-six foursomes, some accompanied by celebrities of one sort or another, played golf in the new organization’s second fundraiser. It is safe to say that the golf tournament was higher profile and more beneficial than a bowling outing held earlier.

The funds raised will be used by the board of Remember the One to underwrite expenses in developing and maintaining a new Internet tool for families of the “ones.”

Kip Dominy of Oconee, organizer of the new non-profit, told his story again before the shotgun start to last week’s golf tournament.

Two years ago their son Hogan Dominy was born to Kip and Angie Dominy with Trisomy 18, a birth defect that affects one in 5,000 births. Hogan lived for 16 days. Kip blogged about Hogan’s life and was overwhelmed by the response. It inspired him to launch the website.

“I read the April 12 blog today,” Dominy told the crowd of 100 gathered for the start of the tournament. “It was a good day for Hogan that day.

“Remember the One is for all the ones,” Dominy said. “The one out of six, the one out of eight. Many of you are the ones. When we got the call that Monday morning and got that result, it changed my life forever. If we had been one of the 4,999 with a healthy child, I would not have thought of that one.” is active. It offers some features similar to those found on other websites designed for family members of people facing grave health concerns, such as a blog. But the site is also integrated with established social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

It also features a calendar function. Information about key events in the future can be posted, such as medical tests, family functions or even legal hearings.

“It started out as medical,” said Laura Pulliam, a board member. “I have been talking to some of my friends about posting their adoption stories. It can also be for military families. It is expanding. It is about the journey, and really everybody has a journey.”

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Tagged: remembertheone, trisomy 18, remember the oneorg, golf, athens, the georgia club